What information does Shedworx gather?

Shedworx gathers the following information on its web site:
  • Name and Email as provided during the purchase process.
  • Computer information during the activation process.
  • For Affiliate sites, we store a cookie in your Browser to let our store know which affiliate you have come from.
  • For every visitor we record basic tracking information such as IP address, time on site and so on.

Shedworx does not collect or store credit card information in any form. All payment processing as handled by PayPal.

What information does Shedworx share?

The only time customer information leaves Shedworx is for our email campaigns.

We keep a copy of customer First Name, Surname and Email Address with Constant Contact for those customers that opt in to receiving email notifications.

Shedworx never has and will never disclose customer information.